MM School works with 5 link KGT schools on the transition from Grade K.G.II to Grade 1, i.e. MM Junior Schools. Students from other primary schools may be successful in gaining a place at MM School.We will work closely with families and schools to ensure a successful transition where this is the case.Admission to the School is open for Classes 1st to 9th and 11th for Session 2024-25 from 1st November 2023.
Aims & Objectives
1.1 Admission Procedure
Admission is based on the ability of the applicants. This is evaluated through an assessment process which involves written evaluation, face to face interview and reports from the previous school.
A limited number of applications are considered against definite vacancies for entry to Grade 8th, 9th& 11th.
Applications are received in December and children called for an Entrance test/ Personal interaction (for Class XI in April after the Class X Board Examination) only if there are vacancies. These tests and personal interactions are held in campus. No admission is made in Classes X and XII (being Board Classes).
1.2 Pre-Admission Procedure (Grade 1st-9th&11th)
Note: All the copies to be duly signed by the parent.
1.3 Entrance Tests
The school may carry out a formal/informal assessment of the student in order to decide on appropriate learning or behavior support. The school may also require further educational or psychological evaluations if there a need is felt for further information on to support individual student. Time and venue of the entrance test is communicated to the applicants.
A candidate must pass (40%) in all the subjects to be eligible to be called for the personal interaction. There is no reservation for any category. The performance in the written test and personal interaction is the main criteria.
Admissions are offered in Class XI strictly on the basis of the performance in the personal interaction with the Principal. Students opting for Commerce with Mathematics are tested in Mathematics while those who opt for Science are tested in Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics (for non-medical stream) and in Physics, Chemistry and Biology (for medical stream) for qualifying standards.
The admission of a child will mean a complete acceptance by the parent/guardian of all School Rules as in force or as amended from time to time at the discretion of the School.
1.4 Subject Choices
Students accepted into the CBSE are requested to indicate their subject preferences by completing the Subject choice Form. The school accepts students, who are from different Boards; oncondition that MM School currently offers the subjects they studied in their previous school.
1.5 Transfer Students
1.6 Post Admission Procedures
Once Admission is granted, parents are required to deposit the Fees and submit all the following documents as mentioned in Section 1.2
1.7 Orientation of parents and the students
Asthe Academic curriculum is novice for many parents and students, they are introduced to the same through an orientation Programme followed by individual counseling. This is held to understand the local CBSE Curriculum.
1.8 Review and implementation of admission policy
The Management and Principal review the Admission criteria once in twoyears. Allschool policies are communicated to the teachers, students and parentsthrough regular communication and are uploaded on the schoolwebsite and other Education Portals.
1.9 Admission Over-Subscription Criteria
Where the number of applications for admission exceeds the number of places available, the following criteria will be applied in the order set out below to decide which students to admit once:
If applications exceed the number of places available the School will operate a waiting list in which priority for places will be given on the basis of the above criteria. Those living nearer to the School will be given priority. In the event that two or more distances are exactly the same then the School will use random allocation by lot, drawn by somebody independent to the School.
All admissions processes are operated in line with the Schools Admissions Code. The School participates in the Fair Access Protocol.
1.10 The right to withdraw an offer
The School has the right to withdraw the offer of a place if any of the information given on the application is found to be inaccurate. This would include fraudulent applications, applications found to be intentionally misleading and false claims to residence in the catchment area.
Given the nature of the School site and the demanding nature of the boarding life, the School reserves the right to refuse admission to those children who, in the view of the School's Medical Officer, would be adversely challenged by the routine of the School.
The admission of a child will mean a complete acceptance by the parent/guardian of all School Rules as in force or as amended from time to time at the discretion of the School. The School reserves the right to refuse admission/readmission without assigning any reason. The Principal’s decision is final.